The next help is to organize the site's "open graph" tags! You have probably noticed that when you share the link of a page from your site or others in a messenger like Telegram, suddenly this link turns into a post with description and image. This issue is related to OpenGraph tags that help your site pages to be displayed in social networks and messengers with a better graphic appearance. In the "Social" menu and in the sub-menus of Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, you can have better control over the OpenGraph codes of these social networks.
Yoast seo plugin tutorial As you can see in the picture Kuwait Phone Number Data above, you can enable and disable OpenGraph tags using the options in these submenus. Also, considering that when sharing each page on social networks, the photo of the same page from the site is shown to the audience, you can upload an image an image of your site will be displayed with this photo on social media. . (Of course, this feature is related to the Facebook sub-menu, and in the sub-menu of other networks, this feature does not exist due to their structure.).
Note: If the structure of your site's schema codes is written correctly, entering the said information in the "Accounts" sub-menu in Yoast can cause your social network address to appear in Google's "Knowledge Graph" and when searching for your name in This search engine will be shown. Like the picture below: Yoast seo plugin tutorial Yoast seo tools menu training Yoast seo plugin tutorial The tools menu in yoast seo plugin provides you with several other tools. In the following, we will briefly teach these tools: Internal and external tools Yoast seo plugin tutorial.