The scheme of working with this version of promotion is similar to the mutual exchange of posts with another Telegram channel. You find a regular partner and cross-reference each other and do this regularly. Collaboration implies a common concept of posts, you both write posts, for example, about helping an animal shelter and provide links to each other. Or you develop a general artistic or environmental concept and again.
Mention both of your sites in tg. Several useful bots for seo expate bd workiFor example, download a video, check the technical data of a car, or even recommend wine. However, we will focus on those that will be useful for work. Since video content exists in huge quantities online, it can be used to illustrate posts. To do this, you need to contact the official YouTube bot to transfer videos from this platform.
SaveAsBot and gozilla_bot . The first one downloads any videos from Instagram and TikTok, the second one allows you to download audio files in addition to videos. Freestock_bot is a kind of labor exchange where you can find specialists for project work. Crosser_bot can analyze the audience of group channels and clear it of bots, as well as select similar channels for promotions.