It is important to indicate that the Workers' Statute , in general, does not recognize the right to reserve the job for more than the first year . So it is possible that the company or public institution hire other people on an indefinite basis or amortize the position during the duration of the leave of absence. In this case, all that remains is to wait for a vacancy to which one is entitled by seniority to actually be generated.
Dismissal This case would occur when the professional category is not recognized , the job is considered amortized , bad faith or there is a closure that has not followed the appropriate procedures. It must be made moible number data clear that here we are talking about those dismissals that are not justified in fair play. A fairly common example is that of the company that, due to bankruptcy ,Silence El silencio no se considera.

Extinción del contrato. Por lo tanto, es conveniente tener en cuenta otros aspectos para decidir que, efectivamente, lo es. En este caso, se recomienda recopilar información para demostrar que, efectivamente, la compañía no permite la reincorporación aun pudiendo hacerlo. Por ejemplo, en el caso de que la empresa contrate a personas indefinidas que tienen menos derecho que la persona que está en excedencia.