I think this is the hardest part
By coffee I hope someone figures out that coffee costs more per gallon than gas which is probably a stupid idea. At this point it's best if someone is smart enough to say no to the request. This will enhance both our careers. Log in to reply Dorothy Ramienski Amatucci Year Month Day I think always and never are very dangerous words when it comes to behavior. I try to avoid always doing something or never doing something.I think getting into the habit of saying yes may not be a bad thing but if you do it all the time you run the risk of burning out. No one can be online all the time whether in a professional or personal setting Malta Email List you do need to give yourself a break. Log in to reply Corey McCarron year month day Andy I like the point about how important it is to say no if there are really too many projects. Sometimes there are things you really want to help with because maybe it will make you look good.
In front of management or be interesting but you have to be mature about it and realize that maybe you just can't do it. Dorothy Yeah I never try to use those two words. But actually burning out is definitely not good. I think there is a time and place where you can push yourself temporarily and you have to be online all the time but not long-term. For example if you work in crisis management communications Tiger Woods' wife might just bring golf clubs to his car and you have to get up at one o'clock.