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new tech, and slowly but surely, over the years, I’ve learned howto use dozens of useful writing tools that help me work with freelance clients.You can do this. Freelance Writing Rates: What Hard-Working Writers Earn in2020 Carol Tice Table of Contents 2 The 2020 Writer Pay Survey o The road towriting freedom can be short o Short blog-post pay rises o Mixed pricing onlonger posts o Authority ghost blogging is a $$$ niche o Stronger pay for short articles o Mixed rates for longarticles o Chinese Malaysia Phone Number ListProblems emerge in content marketing o Rates for web pages crash oLong sales pages at short prices o Marketing emails: The new cash cow? o Stronghourly rates for full-time writers oo A newsource for ‘going rates’ o Thoughts on freelance writing rates o Download thedata It’s the biggest question many freelance writers
have: What should I charge? More specifically, what are goingfreelance writing rates for the type of project I’m doing? After all, we don’twant to leave money on the table… or price too high and lose the gig. If youstruggle with pricing your work, it’s no surprise. Freelance writing rates areall over the place, as there are so many variables that affect appropriate payfor a particular writing job. Those variables can include: • Size,