While he may be right that you can't make
At the same time, this is no excuse to ignore the writing aspect entirely. While people may not visit a blog specifically for the writing, they will certainly leave a blog that is poorly written. Best-selling author Stephen King divided writers into four categories: bad, competent, good, and great. That's not a bad place to start, but it's his comment on a bad writer who fails.good writers into great writers—great writers are born, Phone Number List not made—he also believes that you can't make bad writers into competent writers. I believe you can. There is only one premise: check your ego If you are a sub-par writer and admit it to yourself, then you have the self-awareness necessary to improve. It doesn’t take much either. Websites like Answers.com offer basic English tutorials.
Start building blocks from there. And then expand from there. Read your work aloud. You'd be surprised how much you can improve just by hearing how awkward your sentences sound. Take notes on what you read. Found something interesting? Jot it down in a notebook for future reference. Freelance writing. When you have 10 minutes to spare, sit down and use a notebook or word processor or whatever type comes to mind. Don't stop correcting errors and don't delete anything. Don't even break the paragraph. Just write for 10 minutes. In the next 10 minutes of your free time, review what you wrote and see if any of it was useful. Then start working hard.